Celebrity Melissa McCarthy dropped 50 lbs cutting carbs. That's an accomplishment. I know. I've lost 100 pounds (sans drugs or surgery) with fat burn food swaps. I lowered cholesterol too. The secret? Eating fat! Seriously! There's a diet myth that says all fat is bad. Fatty acids are healthy. They help dissolve certain foods like leafy vegetables. Fatty acids also burn. The proof is in the picture. Left is me (in blue shirt) 100 pounds heavier. Right is me after losing 100 pounds. Melissa McCarthy skinnier: A-Z fat burn food swaps lose fat, lower cholesterol - Grand Rapids News | Examiner.com
body fat.
Hands-on learning activities, science experiments and objects lessons. This is science, math, social studies, chemistry, alchemy and as nature intended- with messes, explosions, weird smells, pretty lights, scorched hair and acid burns (kidding, really...)Definitely not your dad's boring paper-and-pencil science class...