Hands-on learning activities, science experiments and objects lessons. This is science, math, social studies, chemistry, alchemy and as nature intended- with messes, explosions, weird smells, pretty lights, scorched hair and acid burns (kidding, really...)Definitely not your dad's boring paper-and-pencil science class...
Repurpose and reuse recycled milk jugs: Homemade bird feeders, bird seed crafts
Do plastic milk jugs overflow your recycling bin? Would you like simple homemade crafts to repurpose and reuse recycled milk jugs? Here are homemade bird feeders made from recycled milk jugs. These homemade bird feeders are great National Bird Day or Earth Day crafts for kids. Homemade bird feeders from recycled milk jugs help the environment in three ways: when you repurpose and reuse recycled milk jugs you reduce the number that go into landfills. Homemade bird feeders support wildlife and the ecosystem. Making bird seed recipes from recycled kitchen scraps cuts waste. Repurpose and reuse recycled milk jugs: Homemade bird feeders, bird seed crafts | Examiner.com