Hands-on learning activities, science experiments and objects lessons. This is science, math, social studies, chemistry, alchemy and as nature intended- with messes, explosions, weird smells, pretty lights, scorched hair and acid burns (kidding, really...)Definitely not your dad's boring paper-and-pencil science class...
Kids summer activities: Sand castle science lessons, social studies at the beach
Parents and homeschoolers, looking for a way to keep the educational momentum this summer? How about kids summer activities at the beach? You can actually homeschool at the beach by building a sand castle. Teach social studies connections and science lessons. in sand castle building. A sand castle is a great art medium. In fun kids summer activities, children learn earth science lessons on biomes. They also explore engineering and physical science lessons messing with sand at the beach. If you can't do sand castle science lessons at the beach, you can make a sand castle in the backyard or even inside. Kids summer activities: Sand castle science lessons, social studies at the beach | Examiner.com